a swimming pool with a door and windows

Hotels on the Beach in Newport

An Elevated Experience

Discover the thoughtful amenities, warm hospitality, and forty five years of history that make each stay at The Whaler truly memorable. Whether you’re here to unwind, energize, or simply take in the unique energy of the Oregon Coast, you’ll find your perfect escape at our hotel on the beach in Newport.

Onsite Amenities
a indoor pool with a wooden wall and chairs

Pool, Hot Tub & Patio

Make a splash in the indoor pool, simply relax after a day of sand and surf in the hot tub, and take in the fresh ocean air from the brand-new outdoor patio.

a wooden bench in a sauna


Relax your muscles and clear your mind. The Whaler’s dry sauna is a restorative and rejuvenating wellness retreat, perfect for unwinding after a day of exploring the Oregon Coast.

a room with treadmills and a window

Fitness Center

Equipped with cardio machines, strength-training equipment, and more, our brand new fitness center has everything you need to stay active and energized during your stay.

a cup of coffee and a laptop
a woman lying on a bed with a man and a woman


With forty years of memories—and wonderful relationships with their employees and guests—The Clarks chose another family- and Oregon-owned business to be the new stewards of The Whaler, Hallmark Resorts. After a short closure and complete renovation in 2023, The Whaler reopened as a new boutique destination, with all the charm and history of the original.


The Whaler is still growing! With the addition of 26 boutique rooms and three vacation rental homes, the experience will continue to transform over the next few months. With progress comes some dust and a bit of noise, but we think you’ll love what’s to come.